Client Components

Advosol offers .NET components for all specifications, Classic OPC DA, HDA, A&E, XML-DA and OPC UA. These components provide a set of easy to use .NET classes that handle the OPC server access. Little OPC specification knowledge is required. UA add-on components for the Classic OPC SDKs simplify the migration to OPC UA.   read more...
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The EasyUA Client SDK provides a set of .NET classes that handle the UA server communication. Included are sample applications and utilities for configuration and testing.
OPC UA DA, HA, AC and UA Methods functionality is supported.
OPC clients can be developed in C# or VB.NET  without the hassle of COM interoperability. The OPCDA.NET OPC Client SDK provides classes and methods for the .NET Framework and .NetCore platforms. All features of the OPC DA V2.05 and V3.0 specifications are supported. Additional helper classes, tools and many samples provide a highly efficient application development environment.
The OPCDA.NET-UA add-on option extends the OPCDA.NET Client SDK for C# and VB.NET with an OPC UA wrapper. The application can access OPC DA and OPC UA servers through the same API.
Users of the OPCDA.NET Client Component can upgrade their products to support OPC UA without application code changes.
OPC A&E clients can be developed in C# and VB.NET. The OPCAE.NET SDK provides classes and methods for the .NET Framework and .NetCore platforms.
OPC Historical Data Access clients can be developed with C# or VB.NET. The OPCHDA.NET Client SDK provides classes and methods for the .NET Framework and .NetCore platforms. The development of applications for the  OPC HDA Server access is simple and efficient.
XMLDA.NET is a .NET Client development toolkit that handles the access to XML DA and OPC DA servers. The application is coded as an XML DA web client, independent of the type of server to be accessed. Ideal for ASP.NET applications.

Client Components      Category Description

How to develop OPC Clients with .NET?

Developers have many options for the development of .NET OPC client applications. What's best depends on many factors and on personal preferences.
The basic choices are the API and the communication.

Type of Application Interface

OPC client applications increasingly have to access different types of OPC servers. This can be accomplished with wrappers, either embedded in the client or as external converter servers.
The chosen application interface and the servers that need to be accessed determine the needed wrappers. 
OPC defined interfaces are:

Classic OPC

The classic OPC DA, HDA, AE specification define a C++ COM interface and a COM Automation interface. For .NET the OPC Foundation provided sample .Net wrapper code but didn't create a .NET API specification.
Vendors offer .Net client components with widely different APIs:
- Methods that mirror the OPC specified interface functions. The application can use all OPC specified features.
- Usage oriented method that make the server access simple.
- Embedded into an overall product concept.


The OPC XML DA specification was created in 2003. It defines .NET2 web service SOAP messages for the functionality of OPC DA (Data Access). See OPC-DA / XML-DA Comparison for an overview and comparison of the two OPC specifications.
There are no corresponding web service specifications for OPC HDA and OPC AE.
The .NET web services WSDL tools create API methods from the specification.


OPC UA was started in 2003 with the ambitious goal of a multi-platform specification with the capability to model all kinds of systems.
The specification was partially released in 2009 and vendors offer UA products, mostly with only DA functionality.
The OPC UA specification defines communication records. The multi-platform capability requires UA specific communication stacks for each platform.
The communication stack implementation defines the application interface.


Type of Server Communication

The interface specification defines the communication supported by the server.



The Classic OPC Specification defines a COM interface. OPC DA, HDA, AE servers are COM server and need to be accessed through (D)COM.
Microsoft still supports DCOM and for local server access COM is still a good and efficient solutions.
Remote server access is limited and the necessary DCOM configuration is tricky and the cause of most OPC difficulties.

.NET2 web services

The .NET2 web services (ASMX) eliminate the DCOM remote communication limitations and configuration issues. However, the communication is restricted to HTTP and the security options are limited. The .NET2 based XML DA is available since 2003 and is often used to remotely access OPC DA servers through an XML DA gateway server.


OPC UA communication is either TCP or HTTP. The security handling and the upper layer communication are UA specific to make it consistent on all platforms.
The OPC Foundation is working with member companies to make communication stacks and tools available to its members for different platforms, such as PLCs.



Products are available for many combinations of API and server communication.
Application designers should decide the used API based on:

  • communication (server types) that need to be supported (are converters available?).
  • communication that is mainly going to be used
  • the capability of available wrappers to support all needed features
  • the type of client application (GUI application, web client, Windows service, etc.)


Advosol offers the most complete set of client components, converter servers and server toolkits.

OPCDA.NET client component

The Classic OPC DA (Data Access) interface is implemented in .NET classes. All OPC DA V2.05 and 3.0 features are supported. In a layered class structure the upper level classes provide server access features with a minimal amount of code. OPCDA.NET can be combined with OPCHDA.NET and OPCAE.NET for HDA (Historical data access) and Alarm&Events.

  • UA Option
    UA servers can be accessed thru the same API as OPC DA servers. Existing OPCDA.NET based client applications can be upgraded to support UA without application code changes.

OPCAE.NET client component
The Classic OPC AE (Alarms&Events) interface is implemented in .NET classes. All OPC AE V1.1 features are supported. In a layered class structure the upper level classes provide server access features with a minimal amount of code. OPCAE.NET can be combined with OPCHDA.NET and OPCDA.NET for HDA (Historical data access) and DA (Data Access).

  • UA Option
    UA servers can be accessed thru the same API as OPC AE servers. Existing OPCAE.NET based client applications can be upgraded to support UA without application code changes.

OPCHDA.NET client component
The Classic OPC HDA (Historical Data Access) interface is implemented in .NET classes. All OPC HDA V1.2 features are supported. In a layered class structure the upper level classes provide server access features with a minimal amount of code. OPCHDA.NET can be combined with OPCDA.NET and OPCAE.NET for HDA (Historical data access) and Alarm&Events.

  • UA Option
    UA servers can be accessed thru the same API as OPC HDA servers. Existing OPCHDA.NET based client applications can be upgraded to support UA without application code changes.


EasyUA Client SDK
EasyUA implements a .NET interface with base layer classes with methods according the UA Communicatin Stack.
The application can full control  of teh server communication.
Upper layer classes simplify the server access.



XMLDA.NET client component
Thru the XML DA API the client application can access:
     - XML DA servers with .NET web services or WCF communication
     - OPC DA V2.05 and 3.0 servers
XMLDA.NET is especially well suited for web client applications.
Used in combination with XDAGW-SS server-side XML DA gateway, the client application can access local OPC DA servers directly or remote server thru the XML DA gateway.

