XML-DA Client Side Gateway Version Log

XML-DA Client Side Gateway

V8.0        Feb-25-2022
The .NET4.x Gateway executables are now provided built for the X64 (64 bit) platform.
The executables built for 32 bit are included in the distribution for use on old 32 bit machines.
The .NET2/3.5 executables are still provided only as 32 bit executables.

V7.5.0.1  Feb-16-2022
Utilities updated for the higher security DCOM Authentication level  PacketIntegrity

V7.5         Nov-12-2016
Added application specific option for buffered subscription mode.

V7.4         May-23-2016
Added gateway versions for .NET4 and .NET4 WCF.
Additional logging in Write handling.
Convert the values received in the poll result to the canonical type.

V7.3         Apr-4-2016
Added option forceSendingAlwaysCredentials for servers that need credential without requesting them. IIS web service clients send username/password credentials only on request. Services that have Anonymous access enabled don't send the request.

V6.5.1      Nov-26-2014
The included C++ redistributable didn't match the executable.

V6.5         Sep-26-2014
Added optional WaitBeforeResubscribe configuration setting to replace the fix 5 sec wait.

V6.4.2.1   Jun-18-2014
C++ libraries included in the setup.
Additional null checks because of null reference exceptions in EndSubscriptionPolledRefresh.
Built with VS2010.

V6.4.1     Apr-24-2014
Custom feature for array element item ID syntax added.
Additional check in Subscription poll to prevent possibility of polls without subscription handle.

V6.3        Mar-22-2013
Logfile changed to monthly files. Definition xxx.ext creates files xxx.MMM.ext
Bug fix: Client requests with duplicate item IDs caused invalid handle error logs.

V6.2        Jan-20-2012
Limited support for Deadband handling added. The configured deadand percentage is used for all subscriptions.

V6.1.3     Jan-12-2012
WRITEONLY was not checked in re-subscribe, causing a subscribe error for WRITEONLY items.
Re-subscribe error log added.

V6.1.1.1   Nov-23-2011
Bug fix in the Installer script. The .NET2 gateway version was not installed on machines without .NET3

V6.1.1      Sep-28-2011
Error reporting added for item errors in subscribe.
Additional logging configuration option: LogCommunicationActivity. It creates logs beyond error reports.
XML DA client handle changed from index to random number for better error detection.
Test for PollRefresh result == null added because of reported null refrence errors.

V6.0       Mai-18-2011
Updated to the OPC DA server V6.0.3
Option StaticItemsOnly added. The gateway can be configured to allow access to only a subset of the XML DA server items.
Improved reporting of XML DA Subscribe errors.

V5.5.2     Sep-30-2010
Re-create channel on subscribe error.

V5.5.1     Sep-27-2010
Poll error detection/recovery improved.

V5.5       Dec-13-2009
both ValidataItems/WriteItems overloads handled in ServerConfig.cs for XiToXML

V5.4       Sep-5-2009
The cache management is enhanced to speed the GetProperties / Browse handling.
The gateway version for .NET1.1 has been dropped. There is a version for .Net2 and one for .Net3 (WCF).

V5.3.1    Nov-29-2008
Optional Proxy configuration added. Re-subscribe info log entry added.
Evalution setup with password.

V5.2       Dec-19-2007
Configuration utility added. Bug fix in the browse cache handling that caused access to some items to fail.

V5.1       Nov-10-2007
A configuration option is added for XML DA server access credentials.
The gateway now can handle XML DA servers that use multiple ItemPath values.
XML DA server browse handling is speed optimized. Browse calls are repeated if the server doesn't return all requested items in one call.
Qualitiy=null from XML DA server is handled as 'good' (default)

V5.0 Apr-12-2007
Added support for Windows Vista with .NET3 (WCF).

V4.1.1    Jan-31-2007
Bug fix in web service communication error indication and recovery handling.
Tested on Windows Vista.

V4.1     Sep-28-2006
Added support for WSE3.0 secure web service access.

V4.0.2   April-10-2006
Access rights browse filter handling corrected. Datatype filter was not implemented.
ItemPath default updated to ItemPath returned in Browse calls.

V4.0   March-25-2006
Gateway provided in two versions, one for .NET Framework 1.1 and one for .NET Framework 2.0
New, .NET framework independent Installer package.
The gateway is compliance tested with the newest OPC COmpliance Test Tool.

V3.0.2 Jul-2-05
Aditional config option BranchDelimiterChar to make Matrikon server work through bridge. Due to the unconventional Tree handling the delimiter char could not be correctly detected.
The OPC DA scan rate property was in some cases returned as an Int32 instead of a float type value.

V3.0.1     Jan-29-05
Added CoreComponents V2.0 and XP with SP2 Instructions

V3.0      Oct-4-2004
The gateway is upgraded to the new DANSrv OPC-DA server and is compliance tested for OPC-DA V2.05 and V3.0 compliance.
The main advantages of OPC-DA V3 are new easier to use browse and item IO functions and the ability to write items with value/quality/timestamp.
An additonal configuration definition controls the gateway item handling. Items/branches can be specified in a file to force the update activation at start-up. Otherwise the items are activated when they are first accessed from a client.
New CLSID generation utility to simplify the installation of multiple gateway instances.

V2.3.2     May-5-2004
Pingrate was defined in seconds instead of milli seconds, causing the item refresh subscription to abort. Some XML-DA server wrongly expect a pingrate in seconds. For this reason the ping rate can be defined in the configuration file. The default value is 20000ms.

V2.3.1    Mar-26-2004
Bug in browse could cause a browsed item not to be accessible.

V2.3    Jan-22-2004
No changes in the client side gateway. Only new sample clients with the server side gateway.

V2.2    Oct-28-2003
New XML Test Client

V2.1    Oct-09-2003
The OPCDA and XMLDA Test Clients now browse incrementally to avoid long waiting times in situations with slow servers/connections and large number of items.

V2.0    Aug-2-2003
adapted for OPC XML-DA specification V1.0

V1.0    Oct-2002
based on OPC XML-DA specification RC1.8
