OPCAE.NET-UA Version Log

UA Option for OPCAE.NET

Sep-6-2022    V5.0
Updated to Net6, replacing Net5
Built with UA Stack V1.4.368.58.  Issues with certificate private key resolved.

Feb-12-2022    V4.6
Built with the Net Standard UA Stack V1.4.367.75

Jan-29-2022     V4.5
Event onNotifyUntrustedCertificate2 changed to non-static.

Nov-4-2021   V4.4
Built with the Net Standard UA Stack V1.4.367.41

July-6-2021   V4.3
Property OpcEventServer.UaNamespaceMapperFileDirectory added (EXE directory used if not set)
Corrections and improvements in UA stack and SDK
Server re-connect handling and certificate management improved.
Corrected error in the endpoint selection.

Apr-20-20121    V4.2
Added support for .Net5 (NetCore).  OPCAE.NET V11.1 is required as the base.

July-16-2020   V4.1
UA application configuration cached in static object. Built with the current UA SDK and Stack versions.

Aug-6-2019    V4.0
Based on Net4.72, Open Source UA Net Standard Stack V1.4.354, BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll, Newtonsoft.Json.dll
The Windows certificate store type must now be configured as  X509Store
Only opc.tcp and HTTPS are valid schemes (not HTTP)
SHA1 certificates are now untrusted by default.

Aug-27-2018    V3.2.1
Minor updates in the UA Stack code

Jan-19-2018      V3.2
Configuration and Certificate helper methods added in the Opc.Ua.ClientDA.ClientUtils class.

Aug-31-2017      V3.1.0.1
The configuration utilities are updated to the V3.1.342 UA stack. Certificates created with a previous UA stack version are not compatible (Sha256 signature required) and need to be re-created.

Aug-27-2016      V3.1
Built with UA stack V1.3.342

Mar-27-2017   V3.0
Built with UA stack V1.3.341. Support for .NET3.5 discontinued.

Oct-22-2016    V2.5
Built with UA stack V1.3.340

Aug-19-2016   V2.4
onNotifyUntrustedCertifcate handler is called also on certificate with invalid host name

Apr-14-2016   V2.3
Support for UA Methods added.
Application can define trace mask and prevent config file trace mask setting being used.
Added properties UaAppConfigFileAutoCreate and onNotifyUntrustedCertificate

Oct-23-2015   V2.1
Added method GetEndpoints(string discoveryUrl) to get the UA server endpoints and the property PreferredEndpoint to indicate an endpoint preference.

Aug-31-2015   V2.0
For OPCAE.NET 8.0 with Visual Studio 2015 support. With UA code V2.6, UA stack 1.2.336

Jun-4-2015     V1.2
With UA code V2.5.1 (after DA CTT test).

Feb-24-2015   V1.1.2
Built OPCAE.NET V7.2.
Bug fix in event attributes .NET wrapping.
AE PublishingInterval min. limit lowered from 1000ms to 50ms to allow for faster event handling.

Feb-17-2015   V1.1
Updated to the OPC Foundation UA Communication Stack V1.2.335
Bug fix in AE: subscriptions were not deleted.

Mai-1-2014    V1.0
Initial Release for OPCAE.NET V7.0. Built with the OPC Foundation UA Communication Stack V1.2.334.6
