OPCDA.NET-UA Version Log

UA Option for OPCDA.NET

Jan-1-10-2025   V8.6
With UA stack 1.5.374.126

Aug-27-2024   V8.5
Built with UA stack 1.5.374.78
ValidateItems now handles null datatype from server by returning type VT_UNKNOWN.

Mai-18-2024   V8.2.2
Bug fix in namespace index mapping.

Feb-2-2024   V8.2.1
The certificate check sometimes did reject valid certificates.

Jan-7-2024   V8.2
The UA converter for the OpcGroup.Read method now sets the UA Read maxAge argument according the cache/device argument so that a cache respectively device read is forced.
Built for .NET4.7.2 (.NET4.7.2/4.8/4.8.1 applications) and .NET6 (.NET6/7/8 applications).
For use with the OPCDA.NET V15.3 base.

Jun-19-2023    V8.0
Built with UA Stack V1.4.371.60.

Sep-30-2022     V7.1
Writing nodes with Enumeration type values was not supported. They have to written as an Int32 values.

Sep-14-2022     V7.0.2
The evaluation DLL didn't have the Microsoft libraries embedded.

Jun-29-2022    V7.0
Updated to .NET6 instead of .NET5.
Built with UA Stack V1.4.368.58.  Issues with certificate private key resolved by changing to CurrentUser store.

Feb-12-2022    V6.7
Built with UA Stack 1.4.367.75. Newtonsoft.json not embedded in DLL.

Jan-10-2022    V6.6
onNotifyUntrustedCertificate handler wasn't always called. Property changed to non-static.

Nov-18-2021    V6.5.1
The ConfigUtils.createCertificate() method failed at adding user account access rights.

Nov-3-2021    V6.5
Built with UA Stack 1.4.367.41

Sep-23-2021   V6.4
SessionName now constructed as:  hostName:appName
Built with UA Stack 1.4.366.38

Jul-2-2021   V6.3
Property OpcServer.UaNamespaceMapperFileDirectory added (EXE directory is set as default)
Corrections and improvements in UA stack and SDK
Server re-connect handling and certificate management improved.
Corrected error in the endpoint selection.
Fixed writing nodes with value type UtcTime and Duration.

Apr-20-2021   V6.0
Added support for .Net5 (NetCore).  Built with the current UA SDK and Stack versions. OPCDA.NET V14.1 is required as the base.
Bug fix: Invalid timestamp in callback value causes exception that was not catched.
Bug fix in array write: nodes with ValueRank==0 were incorrectly handled
Improvement:  GetStatus reads the server status from the server instead of returning the the session status flag.

Nov-28-2020   V5.6.1
The trace output file was not always correctly set for absolute path definitions.

July-16-2020   V5.6
UA application configuration cached in static object. Built with the current UA SDK and Stack versions

June-6-2020    V5.5.2
With security NONE a server certificate is not validated, even if the server returns one.
In certificate check: identityPolicy.SecurityPolicyUri == null check added

Feb-24-2020   V5.5
Github UA Stack updates applied.

Jan-27-2020   V5.4.1
The product version OpcDaNetUaOption.Net4.dll in the V5.4 distribution did falsely run in evaluation mode.

Dec-14-2019  V5.4
Added the property  OpcServer.CertificateCredential. If defined, the UA server access is made with the specified certificate in the UserIdentity.
Requires OPCDA.NET V1`2.2 as the base.

Nov-24-2019  V5.3.2
The RejectSHA1SignedCertificates config setting could get changed because of UA stack default handling.
OpcGroup Write() implementation changed from timestamp NOW to MinValue because not all UA servers support timestamp write (use WriteVQT to write the timestamp).
Nonce handling updated in SDK and UA stack.

Sep-7-2019    V5.3
Built without referencing Newtonsoft.Json

Aug-27-2019  V5.2.1.1
The product version setup installed the evaluation DLL.

Aug-10-2019  V5.2.1
Bug fix:  NULL values didn't get into the callback handler.

Aug-3-2019     V5.2
Check of self-certified certificates improved in UA stack code.
CertificateDomainMustMatch definition was not used in session Open()

Apr-24-2019    V5.1.1
The distribution DLLs were created with an outdated tool version causing an 'expired' message.

Apr-15-2019   V5.1
Added support for Visual Studio 2019

Mar-16-2019  V5.0
Based on Net4.72, Open Source UA Net Standard Stack V1.4.354, BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll, Newtonsoft.Json.dll
The Windows certificate store type must now be configured as  X509Store
Only opc.tcp and HTTPS are valid schemes (not HTTP)
SHA1 certificates are now untrusted by default.

Jan-18-2019   V4.3
Browse() didn't correctly handle nodes that are branch and item. OPCDA.NET V11.4 is required for correct branch/item node handling because the interface class NodeElement has an additional element.
Certificate check disabled for security NONE.
UA Node IDs with a decimal point didn't browse correctly.

Aug-23-2018   V4.2.1
Minor updates in the UA Stack code

Jan-19-2018   V4.2
ConfigUtils.createCertificate didn't replace localhost with machine name.
Configuration and Certificate helper methods added in the Opc.Ua.ClientDA.ClientUtils class.

Aug-31-2017   V4.1.0.1
The configuration utilities are updated to the V1.3.342 UA stack. Certificates created with a previous UA stack version are not compatible (Sha256 signature required) and need to be re-created.

Aug-27-2017   V4.1
Built with UA stack V1.3.342.  

Mar-11-2017    V4.0
Updated to Visual Studio 2017.
Built with UA stack V1.3.341.
URL parsing for data after the ; character disabled.
Added check for the server not defining any server URIs.
Added check for empty ServerURI and namespace strings because the UA StringTable class doesn't accept empty strings.

Jan-26-2017   V3.4.2
Trace in ComDaGroup.OnUpdate extended to include stack trace.
Internal test trace log was not removed in distribution version causing memory build up.

Oct-22-2016    V3.4
Built with UA stack V1.3.340

May-23-2016   V3.3.1
Write uses DateTime.UtcNow for DA2 writes instead of DateTime.MinValue.

Apr-14-2016   V3.3
Support for UA Methods added.
Application can define trace mask and prevent config file trace mask setting being used.
SetActivate() items didn't activate the callback processing in some cases.
Added properties UaAppConfigFileAutoCreate and onNotifyUntrustedCertificate

Nov-18-2015   V3.1.1
Version mix in distribution corrected.

Oct-23-2015    V3.1
Added method GetEndpoints(string discoveryUrl) to get the UA server endpoints and the property PreferredEndpoint to indicate an endpoint preference.

Aug-13-2015    V3.0
Upgraded to support Visual Studio 2015, .NET4.6 and Windows 10.
Based on OPCDA.NET V10.0.

July-2-2015      V2.4 .2
Bug fix in Group.SetState. RevisedUpdateRate was not set in the ref argument.
The V2.4.1 distribution contained old DLL files.

June-12-2015   V2.4 .1
Bug fix in Write of array type values (write failed with some servers).

Mai-30-2015     V2.4
Bug fixes and enhancments in the handling of item properties. Bug fix in the Write handling.
Changed few error codes for CTT. OpcServer.Read did ignore maxAge.
AutoAcceptUntrustedCertificates configuration setting was ignored in client

Apr-28-2015     V2.3.4
OpcDaNetUaOption.dll (.Net2 version) was working in evaluation mode.

Apr-27-2015     V2.3.3
Evaluation identification was missing in the DLL file description.

Dec-15-2014    V2.3.2
Bug fix in async read/write UA server. Built with OPCDA.NET V9.3.1.

Mai-4-2014      V2.3.1
Built with UA COM Interop V2.3
DA3 Write converts the value to the server type instead of requiring the client to write the exact type.

Dec-10-2013  V2.3
Updated to UA Stack V1.2.334.6 and uaComInterop V2.3

Nov-7-2013    V2.2
Updated to OPCDA.NET V9.2.
Added support for Visual Studio 2013.

Jul-10-2013    V2.1
Built with UA Stack V1.2.334 and OPCDA.NET V9.1.5.
Bug fix: RemoveGroup did not cancel the UA subscription.
Additional "da:" prefix to restrict browsing to OPC DA servers. The "ua:" prefix restricts browsing to only UA servers.

Feb-6-2013    V2.0.3
Error logging added for exceptions within the UA wrapper.
Updated to OPCDA.NET V9.1.1

Oct-27-2012   V2.0.1
Updated to OPCDA.NET V9.0.1 to fix issues with running in limited permissions user accounts.
Not all group properties were set/handled.

Sep-8-2011    V2.0
Updated to OPCDA.NET V9.0 and support of Visual Studio 2012

Mai-15-2012   V1.0.2
NamespaceURIs definition and mapping handling added to allow applications to persist UA NodeIDs with namespace indices.
Based on OPCDA.NET V8.5.1

Apr-22-2012   V1.0.1
UA SDK Interop library compiled with the NO_CTT_HACK symbol defined because otherwise browsing the UnifiedAutomation UA server fails. This changes the NodeId syntax from ns*x;s*xx  to  ns=x;s=xx

Dec-6-2011    V1.0
Initial release based on the OPC Foundation UA SDK V1.1.331
