uaPLUS Server Toolkit
Jan-22-2025 V10.6.1
DLL merging issue corrected in UaPLUSdll.
Jan-9-2025 V10.6
With UA Stack 1.5.374.126
Issues with RoleBasedIdentity fixed. Write handling improved in PlugIn interface and sample code.
Nov-26-2024 V10.5.1
Bug fix in writing Byte[] values. There was a type mismatch error.
Sep-3-2024 V10.5
Built with UA Stack 1.5.374.78
Apr-17-2024 V10.1
Added uaPLUSdll, uaPLUSnodeMgr for .NET8
Apr-22-2023 V10.0
Built with UA Stack 1.4.371.60. Added uaPLUSdll for .NET6
Jan-4-2023 V9.0.1
NSPlugin method VerifyPassword was not always called.
Aug-7-2022 V9.0
Built with UA Stack 1.4.368.58. For .NET6 instead .NET5.
Certificates in CurrentUser store instead of LocalMachine because of private key access permission issues.
Feb-12-2022 V8.8
Built with the Net Standard UA Stack V1.4.367.75
Oct-18-2021 V8.7
Built with the Net Standard UA Stack V1.4.367.41
June-23-2021 V8.6
Fixed write issue for nodes with values of type UtcTime and Duration.
Certificate management improved.
Fixed issue in Read handling.
Reduced the number of DLLs. All embedded server applications now need to reference the UaBase DLL.
uaPLUSnodeMgr DLL added for .NET5 (NetCore).
Feb-25-2020 V8.2
Github UA Stack updates applied.
Jan-10-2020 V8.1.1
Some assemblies were not signed.
Oct-16-2019 V8.1
Bug fix: CreateCertificate was done with local time instead UTC
Assembly uaPLUSnodeMgr.Net4.dll added. This DLL doesn't have the plugin DLL interface for simplicity. It requires the UaBase.Net4.dll.
June-17-2019 V8.0.1
Bug fix in DeleteNode() because deleted nodes couldn't be added again.
April-18-2019 V8.0
Based on .NET4.7.2, UA stack V1.4.354, BouncyCastle.Crypto.dll.
Improved certificate security.
Added an embedded server base DLL for simpler uaPLUS/EasyUA server/client applications.
Minor UA stack updates to V1.4.354.
Jan-20-2019 V7.7.1
The log file is renamed at 2MB size. Previously it was deleted at 10MB.
Minor updates in UA Stack code
Bug fix in the HDA plugin handler for the current value Read of history (HDA) items.
Mai-18-2018 V7.6
Application certificate was not always created with the configured subject name.
Configuration utility has added dialog for the UA discovery server.
Jan-19-2018 V7.5
Helper methods for configuration and Certificate management added in uaPlusDLL.
Nov-30-2017 V7.4
The HDAbase code did not always include the DA quality (lower 16 bits)
Added the Advosol.uaPLUS.uaPLUS.License property to give the option to define the license in the embedded uaPLUS server application code.
Two EmbeddedUaNodeMgr sample code files were missing in the distribution.
Aug-31-2017 V7.3.0.1
The configuration utilities are updated to the V1.3.342 UA stack. Certificates created with a previous UA stack version are not compatible (2048 key length required) and need to be re-created.
Aug-25-2017 V7.3
With UA stack V1.3.342
Bug fix in attribute read of HDA items.
HA Configuration node reference change from HasComponent to HasHistoricalConfiguration.
Jun-3-2017 V7.2
Added support for application specific node managers (based on the BaseNodeManager class).
Bug fix in reading Event types/attributes, subscription removal and Write handling.
NSPlugin error code InvalidArgument was not correctly converted to UA status code.
Apr-27-2017 V7.1
Enable/disable diagnostics support added.
Subscriptions were not deleted with expired sessions.
Mar-11-2017 V7.0
Updated to support Visual Studio 2017.
With UA stack V1.3.341
HDA Plugin caused finalizer to block GC.
A&E base method handling corrected. Multiple subscription didn't get all notifications.
Bug fix in ModifyMonitoredItems for events. An additional item was created.
Oct-22-2016 V6.3
With UA stack V1.3.340
Apr-30-2016 V6.2
Added support for all OPC DA.NET Server Toolkit Professional Edition features like virtual browsing and item access validation based on user credentials.
Mar-29-2015 V6.1.1
Added capability for UA methods in NSPlugin.dll
Mar-6-2015 V6.0
DA nodes can have historical access capability by providing the DB access handler within NSPlugin.dll instead of the separate HDAplugin.dll
The HDAPlugin.dll code has been modernized to take advantage of C# features that were not available in early C# versions. It now has a simpler structure with less classes.
Dec-28-2015 V5.1
UA Methods capability added in uaPLUS DLL version.
HDAplugin nodes now have additionally Read access to read the current value from the HDA database.
The NSPlugin.dll is not required anymore for HDA only servers.
Dec-1-2015 V5.0.2
Bug fix in ComHdaClient.ReadAttributes (not all values were returned).
New StartAsProcess() method overload for better command line and log file control.
New optional IconFile AppSettings key for definition of custom app icon.
Oct-11-2015 V5.0.1
Bug fix in ReadAtTime. Did incorrectly return status NoData if no data at one timestamp.
uaPLUSsim with HDAplugin.dll V5.3 (bug fig in bounds)
Aug-21-2015 V5.0
Upgraded to support Visual Studio 2015, .NET4.6 and Windows 10.
Mai-26-2015 V4.3.1
Changes to pass CTT tests.
Configuration command line utility UaServerPrepare added for simplified server deployment.
Apr-2-2015 V4.3
Built with UA Stack V1.2.335.
Configuration utility corrected and improved for SecurityPolicy definitions.
Sep-22-2014 V4.2
Read handling improved for read from device based on maxAge.
Built with reference to HDAPlugin V5.2.
Bug fix in the configuration utility (base address edit).
Jan-24-2014 V4.0
HDA and AE functionality added.
Support for Visual Studio 2013 added.
Aug-7-2013 V3.3
ApplicationShutdown event handler added to terminate the server application from NSPlugin.dll.
May-16-2012 V3.2
Updated to OPC Foundation UA Stack V1.2.334
Mar-16-2012 V3.1
Server window visibility configuration AppSettings added to allow the server to run as a process without a visible window.
Dec-10-2011 V3.0
Updated to the OPC Foundation UA SDK V1.1.331.0
New configuration tools, project wizards and test clients. .NET4 version added.
Mai-2-2011 V2.1.2
OPC UA Configuration and Interop setup included in distribution.
Mar-1-2011 V2.1.1
Bug fix in Write item values.
Jan-10-2011 V2.1
Product version release.
Dec-14-2010 V2.0.1
Updated to the OPC Foundation UA SDK V1.1.324.
Custom property handling improved. Values read from plugin DLL at client access.
Nov-22-2010 V2.0
Updated to the UA SDK V1.1.320 and enhanced with additional functionality and a number of C# and VB.NET sample server implementations.
Apr-17-2009 V1.1
Based on the OPC SDK Release Candidate version.
Nov-11-2008 V1.0.1
Setup file with password.
Aug-21-2008 V1.0
Beta release