uaPLUS Reference
DlgPlgBrowseItemIDs Delegate
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Advosol.uaPLUS Namespace : DlgPlgBrowseItemIDs Delegate

branch/leaf filter OPCBROWSETYPE
OPC_BRANCH - returns only items that have children
OPC_LEAF - returns only items that don't have children
OPC_FLAT - returns everything at and below this level including all children of children - basically 'pretends' that the address space in actually FLAT
This parameter is ignored for FLAT address space.
name pattern match expression
Filter the returned list based in the available datatypes (those that would succeed if passed to AddItem). System.Void indicates no filtering.
Filter based on the AccessRights bit mask OPCAccess
(OPC_READABLE or OPC_WRITEABLE). The bits passed in the bitmask are 'ANDed' with the bits that would be returned for this Item by AddItem, ValidateItem or EnumOPCItemAttributes. If the result is non-zero then the item is returned. A 0 value in the bitmask indicates that the AccessRights bits should be ignored during the filtering process.
current branch for the calling client
OUT: number of items returned
OUT: Items meeting the browse criteria.

Glossary Item Box

Virtual mode browse handling.

Called only from the Professional edition generic server when BrowseMode VIRTUAL is configured in the GetServerParameters() implementation.

This method browses the items in the current branch of the virtual address space. It has to be implemented according the OPC DA V2 specification.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Delegate Function DlgPlgBrowseItemIDs( _
   ByVal BrowseType As Integer, _
   ByVal FilterCriteria As String, _
   ByVal DataTypeFilter As Type, _
   ByVal AccessRightsFilter As Integer, _
   ByVal currBranch As String, _
   ByRef NrItems As Integer, _
   ByRef ItemIDs As String() _
) As Integer
public delegate int DlgPlgBrowseItemIDs( 
   int BrowseType,
   string FilterCriteria,
   Type DataTypeFilter,
   int AccessRightsFilter,
   string currBranch,
   out int NrItems,
   out string[] ItemIDs


branch/leaf filter OPCBROWSETYPE
OPC_BRANCH - returns only items that have children
OPC_LEAF - returns only items that don't have children
OPC_FLAT - returns everything at and below this level including all children of children - basically 'pretends' that the address space in actually FLAT
This parameter is ignored for FLAT address space.
name pattern match expression
Filter the returned list based in the available datatypes (those that would succeed if passed to AddItem). System.Void indicates no filtering.
Filter based on the AccessRights bit mask OPCAccess
(OPC_READABLE or OPC_WRITEABLE). The bits passed in the bitmask are 'ANDed' with the bits that would be returned for this Item by AddItem, ValidateItem or EnumOPCItemAttributes. If the result is non-zero then the item is returned. A 0 value in the bitmask indicates that the AccessRights bits should be ignored during the filtering process.
current branch for the calling client
OUT: number of items returned
OUT: Items meeting the browse criteria.

Return Value

HRESULT error/success code


The operation failed.
Not enough memory
An argument to the function was invalid.
The filter string was not valid
The operation succeeded.
No items meet the filter criteria.

HRESULT success/error code


Target Platforms: Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also

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