uaPLUS Reference
Advosol.uaPLUS Namespace
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Glossary Item Box


ClassArgumentDefinition UA Methods definition class for intput and output argument definitions.
ClassCertificatePermissions Helper methods for certificate access rights management.
ClassDaBrowserClient DA Device handler interface methods for virtual browsing.
Browse requests are routed to the device handler plug-in to browse all items that could be added to the server cache.
ClassDaItemState NodeState based class with data for one DA item.
ClassDaVirtualElementBrowser Methods for virtual browsing.
Methods to browse the children of a DA branch node.
ClassNamespaces Defines constants for namespaces used by the application.
ClassNativeMethods Native Win32 method definitions
ClassuaPLUS Implements a basic Quickstart Server.
ClassuaPLUSConfiguration Stores the configuration the data access node manager.
ClassuaPlusMain Main class of the uaPLUS DLL generic server.
ClassuaPLUSNodeManager Override methods for Virtual Browse mode Override methods for HDA functonality of DA nodes A node manager for a server that exposes several variables.
ClassuaPLUSNodeManager.DAcustomPropertyDef DA item custom property definitions
ClassuaPLUSNodeManager.DApropertyDefs DA item property definitions
ClassuaPLUSNodeManager.ItemPropertyAccess DA item property access information.
ClassuaPLUSNodeManager.PlgMethodCall Helper class that converts the UA method call to execute the plugin method without UA classes. There is an instance for each method definition.


DelegateApplicationShutdown Event handler that is called when NSPlugin.dll request a server shutdown.
DelegateCreateApplicationNodeHandlers Event handler that is called when the node managers are created.
Applications with application specific node managers need to implement an event handler and install it right after the uaPlusMain object is created.
DelegateDlgCheckDaPlugin Is called at server startup to check if the plug-in for DA functionality is available. Throws an exception if DA device access is not available.

This plug-in method is called from the generic server at the startup, when the first client connects. All items supported by the server need to be defined by calling the AddItem callback method for each item.

The Item IDs are fully qualified names ( e.g. Dev1.Chn5.Temp )
The generic server part creates an approriate hierachical address space. The sample code defines the application item handle as the the buffer array index. This handle is passed in the calls from the generic server to identify the item. It should allow quick access to the item definition / buffer. The handle may be implemented differently depending on the application.

The branch separator character used in the fully qualified item name must match the separator character defined in the GetServerParameters method.

DelegateDlgGetPropertyValue Returns the values of the requested custom properties of the requested item. This method is not called for the OPC standard properties 1..6. These are handled in the generic server.

Virtual mode browse handling.

Called only from the Professional edition generic server when BrowseMode VIRTUAL is configured.

Change the current browse branch to the specified branch in virtual address space.
This method has to be implemented accordint the OPC DA V2 specification.


Virtual mode browse handling.

Called only from the Professional edition generic server when BrowseMode VIRTUAL is configured in the GetServerParameters() implementation.

This method returns the fully qualified name of the specified item in the current branch in the virtual address space. This name is used to add the item to the real address space. This method has to be implemented according the OPC DA V2 specification.


Virtual mode browse handling.

Called only from the Professional edition generic server when BrowseMode VIRTUAL is configured in the GetServerParameters() implementation.

This method browses the items in the current branch of the virtual address space. It has to be implemented according the OPC DA V2 specification.


Virtual mode browse handling.

Called only from the Professional edition generic server when BrowseMode VIRTUAL is configured in the GetServerParameters() implementation.

Returns the the values of the requested properties for one item. This method is called in virtual browse mode for items that are not yet added to the generic cache.

DelegateDlgPlgServerInstancesChange This method is called when:
a) A client activates a session. If the method returns an error code then no instance is created and the client request is to be failed. b) A client closes the session. This method cannot prevent this. The call is to inform the plugin of the status change.
DelegateDlgPlgValidateItems This method is called depending on the configured 'ValiadateMode' selection.
With ValidateMode 'NEVER' (1) the method is never called.
If ValidateMode 'ALWAYS' (2) is configured then the method is called for each client item access request, even if the item exists in the server cache. The access can be denied for a specific client by returning an error code in err[] for such items.
If ValidateMode 'UNKNOWNITEMS' (0) is configured then the method is called when a client requests access to an item that is not yet added to the UA server address space. This method can: - add the item to the server's address space and return success. For each item to be added the callback method 'AddItem' has to be called. - return error for all or some items
DelegateDlgPlgWriteToDevice This method is called when a client 'write' requst is handled. The items specified in the appHandles array need to be written to the device.
The cache update handling depends on the configuration parameter writeCacheUpdateMode For 0 (Generic): The cache is updated in the generic server after returning from the customization WiteItems method. Items with write error are not updated in the cache.
For 1 (Custom): The customization module needs to update the cache by executing the SetItemValue callback method for each written item. The generic server does not update the cache.
DelegateDlgQueryProperties Query the properties defined for the specified item

Refresh the items listed in the appHandles array in the cache.

This method is called when a client executes a read of item values.

DelegateDlgShutdownSignal This plug-in method is called from the generic server when a Shutdown is executed.
To ensure proper process shutdown, any communication channels should be closed and all threads terminated before this method returns.
DelegateDlgStartPlugin This method is called at server startup to start the plug-in execution.
DelegateDlgVerifyPassword Validates the password.
DelegateDlgWriteToDevice Write the values to the devices.

See Also

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