uaPLUS Reference
BaseNodeManager Class Members
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Advosol.uaPLUS Namespace : BaseNodeManager Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by BaseNodeManager.

Protected Fields

Public Properties

Public PropertyAlarms List of created alarm/condition nodes  
Public PropertyAliasRoot (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public PropertyItems List of created item nodes  
Public PropertyLock (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public PropertyMaxQueueSize (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public PropertyNamespaceIndex (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public PropertyNamespaceIndexes (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public PropertyNamespaceUris (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public PropertyServer (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public PropertySystemContext (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)

Protected Properties

Public Methods

Public MethodAddReferences (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodBrowse (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodCallOverloaded.  (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodConditionRefresh (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodCreateAddressSpaceOverridden.  Does any initialization required before the address space can be used.  
Public MethodCreateMonitoredItems (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodCreateNode (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodDeleteAddressSpace (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodDeleteMonitoredItems (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodDeleteNode (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodDeleteReference (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded.  (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodFind (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodFindInMemoryNode (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodGetManagerHandleOverloaded. Overridden.  Returns a unique handle for the node.  
Public MethodGetNodeMetadata (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodHistoryReadOverloaded.  (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodHistoryUpdate (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodIsNodeInViewOverloaded.  (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodLoadInMemoryNodeOverloaded.  (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodModifyMonitoredItems (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodNew (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodReadOverridden. Reads the value for the specified attribute.
For nodes with an in-memory NodeState object the value is read from this object. The method RefreshNodesCache is called for nodes with a cache value older than the client requested maxAge.
For nodes without an in-memory NodeState object the method ReadVirtualNodes() is called.  
Public MethodSessionClosing (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodSetMonitoringModeOverloaded.  (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodSubscribeToAllEvents (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodSubscribeToEventsOverloaded.  (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodTranslateBrowsePath (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Public MethodUpdateNodeValue The cache value for the specified node is updated. The ClearChangeMasks method is called to initiate client notifications for nodes that are monitored.  
Public MethodWriteOverridden. Writes the value for the specified nodes/attributes.
For nodes with an in-memory NodeState object the method WriteNodes is called to write the values to the underlying system(device). For nodes with success error code form WriteNodes() the NodeState object is updated, if requested.
Instead of implementing the WriteNodes() method the user can define a NodeState.OnWriteValue event handler for each node. The WriteNodes() method has the advantage that all nodes in the client write request can be written to the device together. For nodes without an in-memory NodeState object the method WriteVirtualNodes() is called.  
Public MethodWriteNodeValue Write the value to the node cache with checks for write permissions. The ClearChangeMasks method is called to initiate client notifications for nodes that are monitored.  

Protected Methods

Protected MethodAddAlarmRootNode Helper method that links the given node with the UA server Objects node by adding a 'HasNotifier' reference.  
Protected MethodAddBehaviourToInMemoryNode (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodAddConditionRootNode Helper method that links the given node with the UA server Objects node by adding a 'HasEventSource' reference.  
Protected MethodAddExternalReference (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodAddInMemoryNode (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodAddMethodOverloaded. A MethodType node object is created with the specified name, data type and optional initial value.
Additional properties of the node object can be set by the application as required after the node is created.
Protected MethodAddNode Helper method that adds the node as an in-memory node and links it with the given parent by adding a reference of the specified type.  
Protected MethodAddNodeReference Helper method that links the given node with the given parent by adding a reference of the specified type.  
Protected MethodAddNodeToComponentCache (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodAddReverseReferences (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodAddRootNode Helper method that links the given node with the UA server Objects node by adding an 'Organizes' reference.  
Protected MethodAddRootNotifier (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodAddTypesToTypeTreeOverloaded.  (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodBuildAddressSpace Does any initialization required before the address space can be used.  
Protected MethodCreateAnalogItemNodeOverloaded. A AnalogItemType node object is created with the specified name, data type and optional initial value.
The AnalogItemType derives from DataItemType and adds properties for EUInformation, EURange and InstrumentRange.
Additional properties of the node object can be set by the application as required after the node is created.
Protected MethodCreateDataItemNodeOverloaded. A DataItemType node object is created with the specified name, data type and optional initial value.
Additional properties of the node object can be set by the application as required after the node is created.
Protected MethodCreateFolderNodeOverloaded. A FolderType node object is created with the specified name.
Additional properties of the node object can be set by the application as required after the node is created.
The FolderType is practically identical to the BaseObjectType.  
Protected MethodCreateMonitoredItem (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodDeleteMonitoredItem (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodFindNodeInCache (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodGetNodeHandleReturns a unique handle for the node.
The method can be overridden with an application specific implementation.
The default implementation returns in-memory nodes as valid.  
Protected MethodGetReferenceDescription (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodHistoryDeleteAtTime (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodHistoryDeleteEvents (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodHistoryDeleteRawModified (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodHistoryReadAtTime (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodHistoryReadEvents (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodHistoryReadProcessed (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodHistoryReadRawModified (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodHistoryReleaseContinuationPoints (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodHistoryTimestampFilter Select historical data in the range defiend in the request details.  
Protected MethodHistoryUpdateData (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodHistoryUpdateEvents (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodHistoryUpdateStructureData (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodHistoryUpdateWorker (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodInitAlarmConditionNodeAn Alarm/Condition source node object is created with the specified name.
Additional properties of the node object can be set by the application as required after the node is created.
Protected MethodIsHandleInNamespace (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodIsNodeIdInNamespace (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodIsReferenceInView (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodLookupNodeInComponentCache (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodModifyMonitoredItem (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodOnCreateMonitoredItemsComplete (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodOnDeleteMonitoredItemsComplete (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodOnModifyMonitoredItemsComplete (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodOnMonitoredItemCreated (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodOnMonitoredItemDeleted (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodOnMonitoredItemModified (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodOnMonitoringModeChanged (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodOnNodeRemoved (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodOnReportEvent (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodOnSetMonitoringModeComplete (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodOnSubscribeToEvents (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodReadInitialValue (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodReadVirtualNodesOverridden. Validates the nodes and reads the requested attribute values of items and properties from the underlying source.
This mthod is called for nodes that have no in-memory NodeState object.
There is no value processing in the base classes. The values are passed to the client as returned by this method.  
Protected MethodRefreshNodesCacheUpdate the cache (NodeState) with the current value of the requested items and properties from the underlying source.
The node cache (NodeState) must be updated on return with the index range in the read request being ignored. The base class builds the return value from the current value in the node cache.
The method is called from the client read request handling for nodes with a cache value older than the client requested maxAge.  
Protected MethodRemoveInMemoryNode (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodRemoveNodeAndEmptyParents (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodRemoveNodeFromComponentCache (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodRemoveRootNotifier (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodReportAuditEventSend a Audit event type to the clients with a subscription that monitores this event type.
AuditEvents are Events of AuditEventType that are generated as a result of an action taken on the Server by a Client of the Server. For example, in response to a Client issuing a write to a Variable, the Server would generate an AuditEvent describing the Variable as the source and the user and Client session as the initiators of the Event.  
Protected MethodReportProgressEventSend a Progress event type to the clients with a subscription that monitores this event type.
ProgressEvents are Events of ProgressEventType that are generated to identify the progress of an operation.An operation can be a service call or something application specific like a program execution  
Protected MethodReportSystemEventSend a System event type to the clients with a subscription that monitores this event type.
SystemEvents are Events of SystemEventType that are generated as a result of some Event that occurs within the Server or by a system that the Server is representing.  
Protected MethodReviseAggregateFilter (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodSetNamespaceIndexes (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodSetNamespaces (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodValidateMonitoringFilter (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodValidateNodeOverridden.  Verifies that the specified node exists.  
Protected MethodValidateNodeHandleVerifies that the specified node exists.
The method can be overridden with an application specific implementation.
: The default implementation returns in-memory nodes as valid.  
Protected MethodValidateViewDescription (Inherited from Opc.Ua.Server.CustomNodeManager2)
Protected MethodWriteNodesWrites the value for the specified nodes/attributes to the device (underlying system).
This method is called from the BaseNodeManger.Write() method for nodes with an in-memory NodeState object. For nodes with success error code and update request the calling method updates the NodeState object (cache).
Instead of implementing this method the user can define a NodeState.OnWriteValue event handler for each node. This method has the advantage that all nodes in the client write request can be written to the device together.
For nodes without an in-memory NodeState object the method WriteVirtualNodes() is called instead of this method.  
Protected MethodWriteVirtualNodesOverridden.  Validates the nodes and writes the value to the underlying system.  

See Also

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