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OPCDA.NET-UA > Configuration

Glossary Item Box

OPCDA.NET-UA is designed to behave for the client application in the same way for UA server access as for OPC DA server access.

The UA specific configuration settings are in an additional configuration file.
The default file name is xxx.Ua.Config.Xml     with xxx being the name of the application executable.


The path of the UA configuration file can optionally be defined in the AppSettings section of the application configuration file.

    <add key="UaConfigurationFile" value="c:\uaconfig.xml" />

It is recommended to use this option with Windows Service UA client applications. Windows service applications have the windows\system32 directory as the executable directory and look for the default UA configuration file in this directory.



The UaClientConfigHelper utility is provided for simple UA configuration. The utility also creates / imports / exports the required certificates. See UA Security for the requirements.


Configuration and Certificate management helper methods are provided for applications that need to handle the management internally. This requires the application to run with Administrator permissions.



Version Management

The OPCDA.NET-UA option extends the functionality of the OCPDA.NET component for access to UA servers. The extended functionality is provided in a DLL that is to be used together with the OPCDA.NET DLL.
It may be that the UA Option is more frequently updated than the base OCPDA.NET product. In this case an AssemblyBinding definition may be required in the application configuration file if a newer OpcDaNet-UA version is used then was released with the used OPCDA.NET version.



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