UA Simulation Test Server
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OPCDA.NET-UA > Tools > UA Simulation Test Server

Glossary Item Box

The provided UA Simulation server is intended for testing purposes in cases where client developers don't have UA servers readily available.
The sample applications and the wizard generated base code have definitions for this server and can be tested without modifications when the Simulation server is running.

The uaPLUSsim server is built with the Advosol uaPLUS server toolkit and is simple to install.
The server is provided with a configuration file that covers basic features and allows the server to self-create the needed certificate.



UA Configuration

UA applications (servers and clients) need a UA configuration file and an application certificate issued for the machine the application is running on.

To create, view or modify the server's UA configuration settings, drag the application configuration XML file or application executable file to the configuration utility UaServerConfigHelper.exe. The utility is in the simulation server directory.

The configuration needs to be done in an Administrator user account.

Configuration steps:



Run the server as a process

Execute uaPLUSsim.exe to run the server as a process. A status window is displayed.
The server is stopped by closing the window.

UA servers must be running before they can be discovered and accessed. UA servers are not started on client connect as DCOM does for Classic OPC servers.



Run the server as Windows Service

The uaPLUSsim server can run as a Windows service. To create the service drag the uaPLUSsim.exe file to ServiceManger.exe and create the service with either the default or changed settings.
Running the server as a service is convenient if the server is frequently used. As a service the server is automatically started and is always available.





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