uaPLUS Reference
QuerySourceConditions Method
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NSPlugin Namespace > AlarmEventServer Class : QuerySourceConditions Method

A source name, as returned by the EventAreaBrower.GetQualifiedSourceName method. Only the names of conditions associated with this source are returned.
The number of condition names being returned.
Array of strings containing the condition names for the specified source.

Glossary Item Box

The QuerySourceConditions method gives clients a means of finding out the specific condition names associated with the specified source (e.g. FIC101).. Condition names are server specific.
The number of condition names returned will vary depending on the sophistication of the server, but is expected to be less than 10 for most servers, making this interface more appropriate than a custom enumerator. It is expected that the available condition names for a particular Source on the Server will be fairly 'stable' and that they will generally not change 'online'. However, the Server is in fact allowed to change the available selection at any time. Therefore, a Client should do (or at least allow as an option) a fresh Query every time a selection is to be presented to the end user.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Function QuerySourceConditions( _
   ByVal source As String, _
   ByRef count As Integer, _
   ByRef conditionNames As String() _
) As Integer
public int QuerySourceConditions( 
   string source,
   out int count,
   out string[] conditionNames


A source name, as returned by the EventAreaBrower.GetQualifiedSourceName method. Only the names of conditions associated with this source are returned.
The number of condition names being returned.
Array of strings containing the condition names for the specified source.


Target Platforms: Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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