uaPLUS Reference
GetEnableStateByArea Method
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NSPlugin Namespace > AlarmEventServer Class : GetEnableStateByArea Method

Array of area names, as returned by EventAreaBrowser.GetQualifiedAreaName
Array of BOOL indicating the current enable state of the corresponding area. TRUE if the area is enabled, FALSE if it is disabled. Note this value reflects the state as a result of the last call to EnableConditionByArea2 or DisableConditionByArea2. In other words, it does not reflect the enable state of the containing areas in its hierarchy.
Array of BOOL indicating the effective enable state of the corresponding area. TRUE if the area is enabled and all areas within the hierarchy of its containing areas are enabled. FALSE if the area is disabled or any area within the hierarchy of its containing areas is disabled.
Array of HRESULTS indicating the success of retrieving the enable state of the area. The errors correspond to the areas passed into the method.

Glossary Item Box

Returns the current enable state and the effective enable state for each area specified in areas.
If the HRESULT is S_OK, then the client can ignore errors (all results in it are guaranteed to be S_OK). If the HRESULT is a FAILED code then the server should return null (Nothing) for each of the OUT parameters.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Function GetEnableStateByArea( _
   ByVal areas() As String, _
   ByRef enabled As Boolean(), _
   ByRef effectivelyEnabled As Boolean(), _
   ByRef errors As Integer() _
) As Integer
public int GetEnableStateByArea( 
   string[] areas,
   out bool[] enabled,
   out bool[] effectivelyEnabled,
   out int[] errors


Array of area names, as returned by EventAreaBrowser.GetQualifiedAreaName
Array of BOOL indicating the current enable state of the corresponding area. TRUE if the area is enabled, FALSE if it is disabled. Note this value reflects the state as a result of the last call to EnableConditionByArea2 or DisableConditionByArea2. In other words, it does not reflect the enable state of the containing areas in its hierarchy.
Array of BOOL indicating the effective enable state of the corresponding area. TRUE if the area is enabled and all areas within the hierarchy of its containing areas are enabled. FALSE if the area is disabled or any area within the hierarchy of its containing areas is disabled.
Array of HRESULTS indicating the success of retrieving the enable state of the area. The errors correspond to the areas passed into the method.


Target Platforms: Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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