| Name | Description |
| AcknowledgerID |
This is the ID of the client who last acknowledged this condition.
Contains null (Nothing) if the condition has never been acknowledged.
| ActiveSubCondition |
The name of the currently active sub-condition, for multi-state conditions which are active.
For a single-state condition, this contains the condition name.
For inactive conditions, this value is null (Nothing).
| ASCDefinition |
An expression which defines the sub-state represented by the szActiveSubCondition, for multi-state conditions.
For a single state condition, the expression defines the state represented by the condition.
For inactive conditions, this value is null (Nothing).
| ASCDescription |
The text string to be included in any event notification generated on behalf of the szActiveSubCondition.
For inactive conditions, this value is null (Nothing).
| ASCSeverity |
The severity of any event notification generated on behalf of the szActiveSubCondition (1..1000).
The enumerator OpcSeverityLevel defines the base values of the defined levels.
For inactive conditions, this value is 1.
| Comment |
The comment string passed in by the client who last acknowledged this condition.
Contains null (Nothing) if the condition has never been acknowledged.
| CondLastActive |
Time of the most recent transition into the condition.
There may be transitions among the sub-conditions which are more recent.
Contains DateTime.MinValue if the condition has never been active.
| CondLastInactive |
Time of the most recent transition out of this condition.
Contains DateTime.MinValue if the condition has never been active,
or if it is currently active for the first time and has never been exited.
| Errors |
Array of HRESULT values for each requested attribute ID specified by AttributeIDs.
Servers should return S_OK if the Attribute ID is valid or E_FAIL if not.
| EventAttributes |
Array of vendor specific attributes associated with that latest event notification
for this condition. The order of the items returned matches the order that was specified
by AttributeIDs.
If a server cannot provide reasonable data for an attribute, the returned object should
be set to VT_EMPTY.
| LastAckTime |
The time of the most recent acknowledgment of this condition (of any sub-condition).
Contains DateTime.MinValue if the condition has never been acknowledged.
| NumEventAttrs |
The length of the arrays EventAttributes and Errors.
Must be equal to NumEventAttrs passed into function GetConditionState().
| NumSCs |
The number of sub-conditions defined for this condition. For multi-state conditions,
this value will be greater than one. For single-state conditions, this value will be 1.
| Quality |
Quality associated with the condition state.
Values are as defined for the OPC Quality Flags in the OPC Data Access Server specification.
| SCDefinitions |
Array of sub-condition definitions.
| SCDescriptions |
Array of sub-condition definitions.
| SCNames |
Array of sub-condition names defined for this condition. For single-state conditions,
the array will contain one element, the value of which is the condition name.
| SCSeverities |
Array of sub-condition severities.
| State |
A bit mask of three bits specifying the new state of the condition
as a combination of ConditionState enumerator values.
| SubCondLastActive |
Time of the most recent transition into ActiveSubCondition.
This is the time value which must be specified when acknowledging the condition.
Contains DateTime.MinValue if the condition has never been active.