uaPLUS Reference
IDBAPlugin Interface Members
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I_HDAPluginDBA Namespace : IDBAPlugin Interface

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by IDBAPlugin.

Public Properties

 PropertyAnnotationCapabilities Definition of the Annotation handling capabilities of this server implementation  

Public Methods

 MethodDeleteAtTime This method handles one synchronous or asynchronous client update::DeleteAtTime call. The request list may contain multipe timestamps for multiple items  
 MethodDeleteRaw This method handles one synchronous or asynchronous client update::Delete request call. For one item the datapoint in the given time interval are deleted in the database.  
 MethodGetAnnotationsDatabase access helper method.
Reads annotations from the database into a DataPointAnnotation array. At least one data point before and after the time range must be included in the returned array. The returned data has to be sorted for increasing timestamps. On error throw a HDAException with the error code that is to be rturned to the client.  
 MethodGetAttributeItemData Reads the attributes from the database. At least one attribute before and after the time range must be included in the returned array, unless startTime is DateTime.MinValkue, indicating that only the newest value is to be returned. The returned data has to be sorted for increasing timestamps  
 MethodGetItemInfo Returns the HDA item definition object for the handle.  
 MethodGetModifiedItemData Reads all modified data points from the file into a DataPointModified array. At least one data point before and after the time range must be included in the returned array, because a bounding value may be requested or interpolation needed. Excess data doesn't harm, it will be ignored in the base layer data processing. The returned data MUST be sorted for increasing timestamps. On error throw a HDAException with the error code that is to be returned to the client.  
 MethodGetRawItemData Reads the raw data points in the given time range from the database into a DataPoint array. At least one data point before and after the time range should be included in the returned array, because a bounding value may be requested or interpolation needed. Excess data doesn't harm, it will be ignored in the base layer data processing. This method needs NOT be thread safe. The returned data MUST be sorted for increasing timestamps  
 MethodInsert This method handles one synchronous or asynchronous client update::insert request call. It inserts the datapoints into the database. There may be multipe datapoints for multiple items  
 MethodInsertAnnotation Insert an annotation into the database.  
 MethodInsertReplace This method handles one synchronous or asynchronous client update::insertReplace request call. It inserts the datapoints into the database. There may be multipe datapoints for multiple items  
 MethodProcessDatapoint Calculates one processed data value.  
 MethodReplace This method handles one synchronous or asynchronous client update::Replace request call. It inserts the datapoints into the database. There may be multipe datapoints for multiple items  

See Also

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