uaPLUS Reference
ServiceHost Class Members
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Opc.Ua Namespace : ServiceHost Class

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The following tables list the members exposed by ServiceHost.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorServiceHost Constructor  

Public Properties

Public PropertyAuthenticationGets the service authentication behavior. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Public PropertyAuthorizationGets the authorization behavior for the service hosted. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Public PropertyBaseAddressesGets the base addresses used by the hosted service. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Public PropertyChannelDispatchersGets the collection of channel dispatchers used by the service host. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Public PropertyCloseTimeoutGets or sets the interval of time allowed for the service host to close. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Public PropertyCredentialsGets the credential for the service hosted. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Public PropertyDescriptionGets the description of the service hosted. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Public PropertyExtensionsGets the extensions for the current specified service host. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Public PropertyManualFlowControlLimitGets or sets the flow control limit for messages received by the service hosted. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Public PropertyOpenTimeoutGets or sets the interval of time allowed for the service host to open. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Public PropertyServer  
Public PropertySingletonInstanceGets the singleton instance of the hosted service. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost)
Public PropertyStateGets a value that indicates the current state of the communication object. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Public PropertyStopServerOnClose  

Protected Properties

Protected PropertyDefaultCloseTimeoutGets the default interval of time allowed for the service host to close. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Protected PropertyDefaultOpenTimeoutGets the default interval of time allowed for the service host to open. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Protected PropertyIsDisposedGets a value that indicates whether the communication object has been disposed. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Protected PropertyThisLockGets the mutually exclusive lock that protects the class instance during a state transition. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)

Public Methods

Public MethodAbortCauses a communication object to transition immediately from its current state into the closing state. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Public MethodAddDefaultEndpointsAdds service endpoints for all base addresses in each contract found in the service host with the default binding. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Public MethodAddServiceEndpointOverloaded. Adds a service endpoint to the hosted service with a specified contract, binding, and endpoint address. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost)
Public MethodBeginCloseOverloaded. Begins an asynchronous operation to close a communication object. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Public MethodBeginOpenOverloaded. Begins an asynchronous operation to open a communication object. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Public MethodCloseOverloaded. Causes a communication object to transition from its current state into the closed state. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Public MethodEndCloseCompletes an asynchronous operation to close a communication object. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Public MethodEndOpenCompletes an asynchronous operation to open a communication object. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Public MethodIncrementManualFlowControlLimitIncreases the limit on the flow rate of messages to the hosted service by a specified increment. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Public MethodInitializeDiscovery  
Public MethodInitializeSinglePolicy  
Public MethodOpenOverloaded. Causes a communication object to transition from the created state into the opened state. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Public MethodSetEndpointAddressSets the endpoint address of the specified endpoint to the specified address. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)

Protected Methods

Protected MethodAddBaseAddressAdds a base address to the service host. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Protected MethodApplyConfigurationLoads the service description from the configuration file and applies it to the runtime being constructed. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost)
Protected MethodCreateDescriptionCreates a description of the service hosted. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost)
Protected MethodFaultCauses a communication object to transition from its current state into the faulted state. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Protected MethodGetCommunicationObjectTypeGets the type of communication object. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Protected MethodInitializeDescriptionOverloaded. Initializes a description of the service hosted based on its instance and specified base addresses. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost)
Protected MethodInitializeRuntimeInitializes the runtime for the service host. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Protected MethodLoadConfigurationSectionLoads the service element from the configuration file of the hosted service. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Protected MethodOnAbortAborts the service. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Protected MethodOnBeginCloseBegins an asynchronous operation invoked on the close of the service host. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Protected MethodOnBeginOpen (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Protected MethodOnCloseCloses down the hosted service, including their channel dispatchers and associated instance contexts and listeners. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Protected MethodOnClosedDisposes of disposable services that are being hosted when the service host is closed. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost)
Protected MethodOnClosingOverridden.   
Protected MethodOnEndCloseCompletes an asynchronous operation invoked on the closing of the service host. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Protected MethodOnEndOpenCompletes an asynchronous operation invoked on the opening of the service host. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Protected MethodOnFaultedInserts processing on a communication object after it transitions to the faulted state due to the invocation of a synchronous fault operation. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Protected MethodOnOpenOpens the channel dispatchers. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Protected MethodOnOpenedGets the service credentials,service authentication and authorization behavior for the hosted service. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)
Protected MethodOnOpeningOverridden.   
Protected MethodReleasePerformanceCountersReleases the service and channel dispatcher performance counters for the hosted service. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)

Public Events

Public EventClosedOccurs when a communication object transitions into the closed state. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Public EventClosingOccurs when a communication object transitions into the closing state. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Public EventFaultedOccurs when a communication object transitions into the faulted state. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Public EventOpenedOccurs when a communication object transitions into the opened state. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Public EventOpeningOccurs when a communication object transitions into the opening state. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.Channels.CommunicationObject)
Public EventUnknownMessageReceivedOccurs when an unknown message is received. (Inherited from System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase)

See Also

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