uaPLUS Reference
GetAEServerRegistryDef Method
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NSPlugin Namespace > GenericServer Class : GetAEServerRegistryDef Method

Glossary Item Box

Registration definitions for the Alarm/Event Server Option.

This method is called from the generic server at startup for normal operation or for registration. It provides server registry information for this application required for DCOM registration. The DANSrv registers the OPC server accordingly. The XDARap XML DA server ignores most of the registration information.
This method does typically not have to be changed. The wizard generated the GUIDs for this server and inserts the server names as defined in the wizard dialog.

The default implementation in IGeneric.cs/vb initializes default values and tries to read the configuration definitions from the file DANSrv.exe.config respectively web.config for XML DA servers. The method can be replaced by defining an overload in ServerAdapt.cs/vb.
The definitions can be made in the code to prevent them from being changed without a recompilation.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Function GetAEServerRegistryDef() As SrvRegDef
public SrvRegDef GetAEServerRegistryDef()

Return Value

Definition structure


The default implementation in IGeneric.cs/vb tries to read the definitions for the following configuration definitions from the DANSrv.exe.config respectively web.config file. The following are sample definitions values.

<add key="ClsidServer" value = "{604C23CE-816F-46ed-BCF9-0473A0A3617F}" />
<add key="ServerProgID" value = "Advosol.DANSrv.AE" />
<add key="CurrServerProgID" value = "Advosol.DANSrv.AE.1" />
<add key="ServerName" value = "Advosol DANSrv AE Option" />
<add key="CurrServerName" value = "Advosol DANSrv AE Option V1.0" /> The XDARap returns this definitionin the GetStatus client call.
<add key="CompanyName" value = "Advosol Inc." />

The CLSID definitions need to be unique and can be created with the Visual Studio Create GUID tool.

The DANSrv/XDARap project generation wizards create a file with unique CLSIDs and the definitions from the wizard dialog. The default values in the code are the same as in the config file.


Target Platforms: Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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