uaPLUS Reference
CreateServerItems Method
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NSPlugin Namespace > GenericServer Class : CreateServerItems Method

String with the command line parameters as they were specified when the server was being registered. The XDARap XML DA server does not support this feature and calls always with an empty string.

Glossary Item Box

This method is called from the generic server at the startup, when the first client connects. All items supported by the server need to be defined by calling the AddItem callback method for each item.

The Item IDs are fully qualified names ( e.g. Dev1.Chn5.Temp )
The generic server part creates an approriate hierachical address space. The sample code defines the application item handle as the the buffer array index. This handle is passed in the calls from the generic server to identify the item. It should allow quick access to the item definition / buffer. The handle may be implemented differently depending on the application.

The branch separator character used in the fully qualified item name must match the separator character defined in the GetServerParameters method.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Function CreateServerItems( _
   ByVal cmdParams As String _
) As Integer
public int CreateServerItems( 
   string cmdParams


String with the command line parameters as they were specified when the server was being registered. The XDARap XML DA server does not support this feature and calls always with an empty string.


If the item definitions are read from an XML configuration file and this file also contains the BranchSeperator character definition then the file must be loaded in the GetServerParameters method because this method is called first and needs the BranchSeperator character definition.


Target Platforms: Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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