uaPLUS Reference
BrowseGetFullItemID Method
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NSPlugin Namespace > GenericServer Class : BrowseGetFullItemID Method

Name of the item
Fully qualified name of the current branch
OUT: Fully qualified name if the item. This name is used to access the item or add it to a group.

Glossary Item Box

Virtual mode browse handling.

Called only from the Professional edition generic server when BrowseMode VIRTUAL is configured.

This method returns the fully qualified name of the specified item in the current branch in the virtual address space. This name is used to add the item to the real address space. This method has to be implemented according the OPC DA V2 specification.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Function BrowseGetFullItemID( _
   ByVal ItemName As String, _
   ByVal currBranch As String, _
   ByRef FullItemID As String _
) As Integer
public int BrowseGetFullItemID( 
   string ItemName,
   string currBranch,
   out string FullItemID


Name of the item
Fully qualified name of the current branch
OUT: Fully qualified name if the item. This name is used to access the item or add it to a group.

Return Value

HRESULT error/success code


Target Platforms: Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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