uaPLUS Reference
ChangeBrowsePosition Method
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NSPlugin Namespace > EventAreaBrowser Class : ChangeBrowsePosition Method

A value of the OPCBROWSEDIRECTION enumerator.
For DOWN, the partial area name of the area to move into. This would be one of the strings returned from BrowseOPCAreas. For UP this parameter is ignored and should point to a NULL string. For BROWSE_TO, the fully qualified area name (as obtained from GetQualifiedAreaName method) or an empty string to go to the root.

Glossary Item Box

Provides a way to move ‘up’ or ‘down’ in a hierarchical space from the current position, or a way to move to a specific position in the area space tree. The target string must represent an area, rather than a source.
An error is returned if the passed string does not represent an area. Moving ‘up’ from the ‘root’ shall return E_FAIL.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Function ChangeBrowsePosition( _
   ByVal browseDirection As OPCBROWSEDIRECTION, _
   ByVal area As String _
) As Integer
public int ChangeBrowsePosition( 
   OPCBROWSEDIRECTION browseDirection,
   string area


A value of the OPCBROWSEDIRECTION enumerator.
For DOWN, the partial area name of the area to move into. This would be one of the strings returned from BrowseOPCAreas. For UP this parameter is ignored and should point to a NULL string. For BROWSE_TO, the fully qualified area name (as obtained from GetQualifiedAreaName method) or an empty string to go to the root.


Target Platforms: Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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