uaPLUS Reference
BrowseOPCAreas Method
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NSPlugin Namespace > EventAreaBrowser Class : BrowseOPCAreas Method

An AreaBrowseType enumerator value. 'Area' returns only areas. 'Source' returns only sources.
A server specific filter string. See OPC specification Appendix A for the definition of the syntax which must be supported by all servers. The implementer may extend this syntax to provide additional capabilities. An empty string indicates no filtering.
Number of returned result strings
Browse result in an array of strings. The array has the size 'numAreas'

Glossary Item Box

Return a string array with a list of Areas as determined by the passed parameters. The position from which the browse is done can be set via the ChangeBrowsePosition.{br/> The returned enumerator may be empty if no Areas or Sources satisfied the filter constraints. The strings returned by the enumerator represent the Areas or Sources contained in the current level. They do not include ?? and delimiter or “parent” names. Clients are allowed to create and hold multiple enumerators in order to maintain more than one “browse position” at a time. Changing the browse position in one enumerator will not affect any other enumerator the client has created. The client must release each enumerator when finished with it.


Visual Basic (Declaration) 
Public Function BrowseOPCAreas( _
   ByVal browseFilterType As EventBrowseType, _
   ByVal filterCriteria As String, _
   ByRef numNodes As Integer, _
   ByRef nodes As String() _
) As Integer
public int BrowseOPCAreas( 
   EventBrowseType browseFilterType,
   string filterCriteria,
   out int numNodes,
   out string[] nodes


An AreaBrowseType enumerator value. 'Area' returns only areas. 'Source' returns only sources.
A server specific filter string. See OPC specification Appendix A for the definition of the syntax which must be supported by all servers. The implementer may extend this syntax to provide additional capabilities. An empty string indicates no filtering.
Number of returned result strings
Browse result in an array of strings. The array has the size 'numAreas'


Target Platforms: Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003 family, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 family

See Also

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